Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas at Katie's

We celebrated Christmas with Katie and Adam early as they would spend
Christmas day with Adam's family.

The day involved lots of activities....

Gingerbread house making...

The finished product...

Sam opening his present with Grammie...

And at the end of the day chilling out...

Pops having fun with Sam...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Santa came to visit

There was a surprise visit from Santa at the Kleins house...

Greta wasn't to thrilled about the man with the crazy beard!

Sam wasn't so sure either at first...

But then began to warm up to Santa...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Uncle Rick & Aunt Wanalyns Wedding

We got to go to our Uncle Ricks wedding...

The happy couple...

The wedding cake...

Katie, Adam and the kids came too...

Stefan with Gerald and Charlie...

Friday, December 01, 2006

More Thanksgiving Pictures

Sam and Uncle Rick...

There wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a traditional turkey!

Pat, Lauren and Luke are ready for the beach...

Just wait till I'm a bit bigger!!